Baron Gnome created by Stiegel Glassworks 1976

The Manheim Historical Society is taking orders until September 30, 2023 for this special collectible which is available only through the Society. The price is $75.00 per “Baron Gnome”and can be ordered via PayPal using the button below. The gnome can also be ordered by contacting Audrey Geib at (717) 665-6417 to pay using cash or check.

The orders should be ready after October 30, 2023; you will need your receipt to pick up your order.

The Baron Gnome is 4-1/2” tall and it will be on display at the Manheim Railroad Station on the 3rd Sunday in July, August, and September during our Open House events and at the Harry Shearer Heritage Center (88 South Grant Street) on Mondays from 1:00–4:00 pm.

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